Summer has lots of things to love about it, but a high energy bill isn’t one of them. As the Downers Grove temperatures rise, so does your utility bill. Before the hottest weather hits, make sure your AC is in top-notch condition and follow these ways to beat the heat and high cooling costs.

Make Your Home Airtight

Your Downers Grove home will stay cooler if you take measures to keep the hot air out and the cool air from escaping. Light a candle or incense stick and hold it around the edges of windows, door frames, and other potentially leaky places. If the flame goes out, you have air entering from outdoors. Use caulk and weather stripping to seal the cracks and gaps.

Keep Your Thermostat at 78 F

Wear your lightest clothing and keep the thermostat at 78 degrees F when you’re awake. Your AC won’t have to work as hard to keep the indoor temperatures bearable, and it will operate more efficiently. You’ll lower cooling costs, and along with other tips, you’ll be comfortable.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Speaking of thermostats, now is the time to invest in one that is programmable, if you haven’t already. A programmable thermostat lets you set different temperatures while you’re home, asleep, or away. Lowering the temperature by 7-10 degrees for eight hours a day will lower your HVAC’s workload and save on cooling costs.

Even better, a smart thermostat lets you do that, but it also lets you control it remotely. That way, if you forget to set your temperature before work, you can fix it right away. You can also check up on your system for peace of mind on vacation. Some smart thermostats can even pick up on your habits and adjust accordingly.

Use Circulating Fans

Fans don’t cool a room; they work by making you feel cooler with a windchill effect. Used with your AC, box fans, or ceiling fans will keep you cool while your thermostat is set higher. If your ceiling fans were set for colder weather, don’t forget to switch them to rotate counterclockwise for summer.

Don’t ignore exhaust fans, either. While cooking or after a hot shower, an exhaust fan in the kitchen or the bathroom will help remove heat and humidity.

Keep Curtains and Blinds Closed

Keeping curtains and blinds closed during the day will reduce solar heat buildup inside your home. It’s best to use curtains of a light color with white plastic linings, if not blackout-specific curtains. These window treatments will act as insulators to block heat from the sun. As a result, your AC won’t have to work as hard to keep rooms cool. According to research, you can reduce your cooling costs by as much as 33%.

Turn Off Lights

If you were to conduct a surprise spot check, you’d probably find lights on during the day that aren’t needed. This is especially true if you have kids at home for summer vacation. Lights on can contribute to the overall temperature, plus use unnecessary electricity. If you’re using incandescent bulbs or CFLs, consider switching to LEDs. They use 90% less energy than other lightbulbs and last quite a bit longer.

Keep Air Filters Clean

When your AC’s air filters are dirty, they block airflow. This causes your cooling system to have to work harder and drives up cooling costs. It also increases the wear on your system, leading to more frequent repairs. Keep the filter clean and change it as needed, generally around every 90 days. If you live in a dusty area, have pets, or allergies, you may need to change the filter more often.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

All of these tips used together can significantly lower your cooling costs this summer. However, they’ll be even more effective if you have your system serviced by an HVAC professional. They’ll clean the coils and condenser, check the refrigerant level, inspect ducts, and perform all the tasks needed to keep your system running efficiently.

The technicians at Fire 'n' Ice Heating & Cooling Inc. in Downers Grove can perform the maintenance needed to keep your HVAC running efficiently through the summer. We install, repair, and maintain all types of systems. Interested in a heat pump, mini split, or IAQ testing? We can do that too. Contact us for services today.

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