Because you can’t see it, it’s easy to take clean air for granted. It’s something you just expect. However, when the air is polluted or smelly, it becomes the biggest presence in any given room. Poor indoor air quality can even be dangerous to your health. This is why an air purifier can be such an important addition to any room. In order to get a better understanding of where you should place an air purifier, consider the following tips.

Choose the Room With the Most Traffic

When people are walking through a room a lot, they’ll bring in dirt from their shoes, outdoor pollutants, germs from being sick and more. Those pollutants don’t just disappear. It’s important to have a process for getting rid of them. If you have a mudroom, a walkway or a family room that gets a lot of foot traffic, it’s a great idea to keep an air purifier in that room.

Consider the Rooms Where You Spend the Most Time

If you tend to spend the most time in the den, the family room or the living room, that’s the room you’ll want to purchase an air purifier for. Because you’re spending so much time in that area, you increase the chances of more air pollutants gathering. This doesn’t mean that you’ll need to leave the room. Instead, you’ll just need to become more vigilant when it’s time to keep it clean.

Prioritize the Bedroom

The bedroom is where you get your beauty rest. When you’re sleeping, this is the body’s chance to recharge and recalibrate itself. If you are breathing in toxic pollutants while you’re sleeping, it can negatively impact your health. There are plenty of quiet air purifiers you can purchase that will work on your behalf as you sleep.

As you use these suggestions to help you decide where to place the air purifier, remember that it’s possible to use supportive techniques to keep the air clean in each room. Open the windows for 15 minutes in order to allow air to circulate. Consider purchasing indoor plants because they can absorb pollutants. Additionally, you can swap out the carpet for tile or hardwood flooring to reduce the amount of dust and debris in your home.

If you need assistance with your air-purifying efforts, our technicians at Fire 'n' Ice Heating & Cooling, Inc. are available to provide solutions. We also offer a full range of heating and cooling services to customers in Downers Grove, IL, and the surrounding area. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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